YAY ... we CLEANED OUT OUR GARAGE!! We are happy people.
And then we filled it back up again.
And then we cleaned it again ...
And then we used it to paint and cut crown molding ...
And then we cleaned it up again ...
Sort of.
It's better. You can walk through it. You can find some stuff (most stuff). You can use the treadmill. The boxes are gone (which actually was about half the mess, twice, really), and some of the shelves are pretty organized. We're not completely done, but it's functional and we're not embarrassed to open the garage door anymore. We have rubber mat flooring to lay under the workout area. So, there's still plenty to do, but we've gotten used to parking outside ... and while it'll be nice someday when we're rich enough to park our cars indoors ... this gives us a little more functional space for now. It makes me smile every time I take the trash out or dump the recyclables. (But, just so we're clear - it's still disgusting out there ... I haven't yet cleaned cleaned ... therefore, Pat is the only one running on that treadmill right now because I don't want to inhale in all the grossness. Color me weird?)
And ... we FINALLY painted the guest bedroom! It looks really good in there, and makes us wonder why it ever took this long to work on this area of the house. It took 2 coats of paint-&-primer-in-one on the walls, and 3 coats of paint-&-primer-in-one on the ceiling ... AND, Pat thinks I'm crazy, but I still see pink back there. I put my face right up to the wall and see all these specs of pukey, pink paint. I'm pretty sure I am crazy though.
Then, we painted the crown molding, and tried to hang it. This is what happened on Saturday. After 5 hours.
Dear Bob Vila,
Thank you for taking the time to upload videos of yourself showing us how to hang crown molding. After years of specializing in this work, your video sure did look rather easy and straightforward; and the diagram was a nice touch, but proved to be useless. Coping molding is not for amateurs. Please add a disclosure to your video; it would have saved us about 5 hours.
The Sawyers
Then, on Sunday ... we just did it our* way and it went up in 2 hours start to finish.
(*probably the way 98% of people do it)
We made 3 trips to Home Depot over the weekend: 1) buy the power miter saw; 2) buy a nail gun; 3) buy more molding and a more powerful nail gun. Each time we forgot safety glasses.
We still have to caulk, and paint it (we bought primed molding this time, but didn't paint it beforehand) ... but it looks so much better. And, almost NO pink left!! Also on the list: painting the closet doors and re-hanging those too. And, I have to paint the little dresser and side tables as well ... so we are far from finished in that room, but it's still an awesome start.
UPDATE - No one sustained any eye injuries during the work performed.